CEU Catalog

Title Certification Topic Code Credit Hours
Ambulance Cost Data Collection CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Ambulance Billing Procedures 1.00 Purchase
All you need to know about ambulance cost data collection.  What do you need to be doing now to prepare, what is the effective date and other pertinent information. $40.00
Identifying and Using Compliance Champions Within Your Agency CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Compliance 0.50 Purchase
How are compliance concerns reported and handled effectively within your organization and how to improve your compliance efforts using the folks already in your organzaiton. $30.00
The Government is Knocking CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Claims Review/Auditing 1.00 Purchase
Why audits and investigations are scarier than lawsuits.  What is the difference between lawsuits and audits. $40.00
Your Rights AND Obligations in a Government Investigation CAC, CACO, CAFO, CAPO Other 1.00 Purchase
The dreaded “knock on the door” arrives – someone with a badge, a gun and a search warrant arrives at your office looking for mountains of documents and files in a government investigation.  Or, a strange document called a “subpoena duces tecum” arrives in your mail.  Or perhaps a federal investigator shows up on your biller’s doorstep one evening asking questions.  What next?  Are your employees compelled to speak to the agents? What documents must be turned over and what documents are protected by legal privileges?  Can they take my computers, hard drives or other equipment? What are the consequences for not complying with a subpoena or search warrant?  This session will help your agency formulate a comprehensive “response plan” should that unpleasant day come. $40.00